Wednesday, February 4, 2009

SECURITY, 35/365

One of the ongoing aspects of cancer for Mr. Lorri. PET/CT scans. Seems there is a concern that PET patients might set off the radioactivity sensors being used in some airports and government buildings. This little card is supposed to give him--and everyone nearby--a sense of "Security," Theme #272 if he sets off an alarm.

I'll bet nobody wants to sit in the plane seat next to the guy who set of the radioactivity alarm. And you just know they're not going to blame a flock of birds if they have to land that plane in the river.

The tangible reminder of the toxicity that has entered his life doesn't really bring a secure feeling to either of us. (Although I suspect he has a secret desire to try out his temporary status as a toxic waste site by seeing if he does set off the airport sensors.)


  1. Mr. Ellen got those too, not too reassuring at all...

  2. definitely a shot for the theme that probably won't be repeated...unique indeed and I think his secret desire is warranted somehow!

  3. Hmm, carrying that around probably doesn't give him a warm cuddly feeling :(

    Still, as long as it does the job, who cares, it passes.

    Go on, go for a flight, just for the fun of it ;)

  4. Let's hope the danger is outweighed by the benefits!

  5. Great take on the theme - hope your hubby is doing great!!!

  6. Clever photo for the theme. I hope he is doing well....

  7. Great take on this theme. I would rather not set off any alarms. Our prayers and thoughts are with you both.

  8. Unique idea for the theme. I hope he is doing well. My thoughts are with you.

  9. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! My hubby just had surgery Thursday for the 3rd time. He doesn't have to carry one of those but he has plenty to remind him of the struggles. Keep fighting on -- it's worth it!
